SUPPORT the #firefighters battling the Overberg Fires


Land users: Prepare for a tough fire season

Land users: Prepare for a tough fire season

The Overberg (Overberg District Municipality and Overstrand Local Municipality) is preparing for a challenging fire season. Due to the dry conditions across many parts of the region, fire-fighting teams are on high alert. The fire season officially started in November.


goFPA: Looking back on the 2018/19 fire season(And our preparations now for the next fire season) Looking BackIntroduction: Counting the costs of the fire season The 2018/19 fire season was one of the most difficult ever experienced in the Overberg. During...

Overberg fights three devastating fires

Overberg fights three devastating fires

The Overberg region has been hard hit by three major fires in the past week. Two are still burning, with teams still fighting to suppress both fires. The fire on the Denel Overberg Test Range started on Friday 24 February. The fire was ignited following standard missile testing …

A devastating Overberg fire season

A devastating Overberg fire season

The Overberg has experienced 25 major fires since the start of December. Fire-fighting teams battled many of these fires for more than a week. The goFPA is so grateful to everyone who helped to bring these fires under control. from the landowners and farmworkers …

Mario Arends – ‘The dangers of fires’

Mario Arends – ‘The dangers of fires’

Meet Mario Arends, the Platoon Commander for the Overberg Fire & Rescue team, based in Bredasdorp. Mario has been fighting fire and saving lives in the area for the past 19 years. So no one knows the dangers of wildfires better than him.

The value of joining the goFPA

The value of joining the goFPA

The fire-fighting tariffs for the 2016 Fire Season are now available. And the tariffs show the value of being a goFPA member. According to Louise Wessels, Manager of the goFPA, wildfire suppression will cost members of the goFPA, in the Overberg …

goFPA beefs up the team

goFPA beefs up the team

The Greater Overberg Fire Protection Association has extra administrative support this fire season. Keith Leonard joins the goFPA team, and will play an integral role in supporting fire management. Keith, 35, is a true Overberger, having grown up in Bredasdorp.

2016 Fire Season kicks off

2016 Fire Season kicks off

The 2016 Fire Season officially launched on 1 November. That means landowners and property owners are asked to be extra vigilant over the coming summer months. According to Louise Wessels, Manager at the Greater Overberg Fire Protection Association, the following five months will require organised fire control.

Pringle Bay hosts fire-fighting open day

Pringle Bay hosts fire-fighting open day

Fire-fighting demonstrations will be one of the main attractions at the Pringle Bay Fire Station on Saturday 5 November. The Pringle Bay & Betty’s Bay Volunteer Fire Fighters are hosting an open day in order to raise awareness around wildfires. The Greater Overberg Fire Protection …

From fire springs partnership with CDH

From fire springs partnership with CDH

This partnership was born out of a wildfire. On 10 March 2016, a wildfire swept through the Van der Stel’s Pass outside Botrivier in the Western Cape. The howling wind and thick vegetation made for difficult times and fear. Together the property owners …

Help to burn renosterveld

Help to burn renosterveld

New guidelines are now available detailing how to undertake prescribed burns in renosterveld in the Overberg. These will help land users to protect their renosterveld habitats which are listed as Critically Endangered. The guidelines have been compiled by the Overberg




+27 (0) 28 425 1690
+27 (0) 63 690 7899


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