SUPPORT the #firefighters battling the Overberg Fires




Die winter is ’n seisoen van rus in die natuur. Dis ook die ideale tyd om jou sake in orde te kry vir die komende brandseisoen.

Why you should get to know the Fire Danger Index

Why you should get to know the Fire Danger Index

Taking note of your region’s Fire Danger Index not only makes you aware of the risk of fire on the day. It can also help to save lives. South Africa’s Fire Danger Index is based on a fire danger rating system. This gives you a daily update about the threats

We are ready for the fire season

We are ready for the fire season

“However, fires never listen, and they’ve started prematurely this year,” Geldenhuys says. Since November, the Overberg district has already experienced four large fires. The wildfires have affected Grabouw, Botriver, Hermanus and Villiersdorp.

Overberg: How to be wildfire ready come December 2021

Overberg: How to be wildfire ready come December 2021

Fire season officially starts on 1 December 2021. This is the time when everyone should be hyper vigilant to the dangers of wildfires. According to Louise Wessels, Manager of the Greater Overberg Fire Protection Association (goFPA),

Grain farmers: Harvest season is underway in the Overberg

Grain farmers: Harvest season is underway in the Overberg

Overberg grain farmers face huge potential economic losses should a wildfire pass through their farm before their grain is harvested. Fires on grainlands burn notoriously quickly and, given the way they burn, they can create several lines that can trap those

Evacuating your pets safely (tips from Dr Hensie Lategan)

Evacuating your pets safely (tips from Dr Hensie Lategan)

During a high-stress situation, such as a wildfire closing in on your home, panicked pets rarely do what you want them to do. That’s why you should prepare for this eventuality BEFORE it becomes a reality. Bredasdorp Animal Hospital’s Dr Hensie Lategan

15 tips to better protect your home against wildfires

15 tips to better protect your home against wildfires

What can you do to make your home as safe as possible against a potential wildfire? Home owners have learnt valuable lessons from the 2017 Knysna fires. And these lessons are now guiding fire management in South Africa. As a home owner

What to include in your evacuation go-bag?

What to include in your evacuation go-bag?

This is surely one of the most difficult and stressful events in a person’s life: It’s time to evacuate your home, as a wildfire moves closer. This is a time of great stress – and mistakes can be made as a result. According to the Overstrand Municipality’s Fire Chief, Lester Smith, in an event like this




+27 (0) 28 425 1690
+27 (0) 63 690 7899


You can get involved by providing goods to energise our fire-fighters. Here’s a list of non-perishable items you can drop off – that help sustain our fire-fighters working hard to protect our homes and nature


Donations are made through the secure PayFast system.




reduction | readiness | response | recovery



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