SUPPORT the #firefighters battling the Overberg Fires

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Download the application form.

Once you’ve filled in the forms, please return them to or fax to 086 585 2348. Once we’ve received the forms, we’ll send you an invoice for the membership fees.

Please fill in separate forms for farms/properties far apart or managed separately.

When are two farms/properties one member?

Farm portions with the same land manager/owner/lessee and trading under the same name are recognised as one member and therefore pay one collective fee.

Why join the goFPA?

Joining the goFPA is completely voluntary. We’re here to help you, as a landowner, to be ready and prepared for fire season.

And during fire season, it’s our job to help you should you be hit by a wildfire.

How do we help?

  • We assist you to become legally compliant, as per national regulations;
  • goFPA members are immediately considered not negligent should civil proceedings follow a veld fire that started on or spread from your property;
  • Insurance companies will automatically support goFPA members, and in some cases are required to actively participate to help members;
  • We give training in firefighting, fire management and fire prevention;
  • If you are seeking accreditation from IPW, GLOBALGAP and HACCP, you need to be a goFPA member.

What are the fees?

  1. There’s a small once-off joining fee.
  2. And there’s an annual fee, determined by the size of the property.

Click here to see the 2024/2025 goFPA fee structure.

How do you know if you’re a goFPA member?

  1. An application form has been submitted
  2. Membership will be activated only when full annual membership fees have been paid.
  3. Statement confirming fees have been paid acted as proof of membership.

What’s your responsibility as a member?

  1. Please make sure we’ve got your latest contact details. These will prove vital if there’s a fire.
  2. We need your farm portion numbers, for accurate mapping purposes.
  3. We need your correct details for invoicing – including company/owner name, postal address, property size and your VAT number.


FPA update on WoF Teams and Aerial Support

FPA update on WoF Teams and Aerial Support

The Overberg District Municipality (ODM) Fire and Rescue Services has formally confirmed their commitment to the 1st hour free Fire suppression for FPA members and that this will not be affected by the uncertainty around the WoF teams.

SMA Fire season game changer

SMA Fire season game changer

With the onset of cooler weather a very challenging and tough fire season is slowly drawing to a close. Besides the men and women from the fire services that went to extreme efforts and worked long hours to safeguard lives and property, there were …

Gardening on the urban edge

Gardening on the urban edge

Landowners who do not have the required preventative measures in place may find their insurance company rejects their claims. They may also be held liable for the costs incurred, and claims against them if it can be proven that a fire started and spread from their property.


reduction | readiness | response | recovery



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