SUPPORT the #firefighters battling the Overberg Fires

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What are Fire Management Units, or FMUs?

Fire Management Units are small groups of members in a localised area in which Integrated Fire Management efforts between individual landowners can be most effectively coordinated.

FMU meetings

These meetings are arranged together with the FMU leadership and are facilitated by the goFPA. Annual meetings of members of an FMU should be arranged to put pre-fire season plans in place.

Typical items to discuss are:

Integrated Fire Management Planning:


  • High risk area discussion, planning & mapping.
  • List all the relevant phone numbers of all the land owners/managers in the FMU and their firefighting equipment.
  • Draw up a map of available water filling points and access points.
  • Discuss communal and strategic fire breaks, and encourage all to cooperate in the preparation of fire breaks.
  • The latest insurance requirements for public liability claims.
  • Training



  • Swop keys to gates that will allow access to neighbours (if required).
  • Understand how to maximize/optimize the use of the goFPA and the fire department.
  • Look into the efficiency and cost of air support insurance.
  • Implement a fast reaction plan to try and put fires out as early as possible.
  • Discuss possible “back burning” strategies and positions in the case of a bad runaway fire.

Please contact the goFPA on or 028 425 1690 to find out which FMU you belong to and who your leader is.


FPA update on WoF Teams and Aerial Support

FPA update on WoF Teams and Aerial Support

The Overberg District Municipality (ODM) Fire and Rescue Services has formally confirmed their commitment to the 1st hour free Fire suppression for FPA members and that this will not be affected by the uncertainty around the WoF teams.

SMA Fire season game changer

SMA Fire season game changer

With the onset of cooler weather a very challenging and tough fire season is slowly drawing to a close. Besides the men and women from the fire services that went to extreme efforts and worked long hours to safeguard lives and property, there were …

Gardening on the urban edge

Gardening on the urban edge

Landowners who do not have the required preventative measures in place may find their insurance company rejects their claims. They may also be held liable for the costs incurred, and claims against them if it can be proven that a fire started and spread from their property.




+27 (0) 28 425 1690
+27 (0) 63 690 7899


You can get involved by providing goods to energise our fire-fighters. Here’s a list of non-perishable items you can drop off – that help sustain our fire-fighters working hard to protect our homes and nature


Donations are made through the secure PayFast system.




reduction | readiness | response | recovery



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