Our farmer’s checklist: 8 tips to prepare for fire season

Our farmer’s checklist: 8 tips to prepare for fire season

Before fire season starts, there are a number of things landowners must ensure are in place – to prepare for wildfires. Here is a farmer’s checklist to guide our members BEFORE the start of fire season.  TIP 1 Help us find water sources when fighting fire on...
Preventing wildfire through this innovative partnership

Preventing wildfire through this innovative partnership

The Greater Overberg Fire Protection Association is teaming up with solar energy finance company, Sun Exchange, to tackle the ever-increasing threat of wildfire. It’s a first-of-its-kind partnership for both the goFPA and Sun Exchange.   Through the deal, Sun...
World Water Day: Tips for fire management in wetlands

World Water Day: Tips for fire management in wetlands

The Overberg is well known for its fynbos and renosterveld. But less is known about the important wetlands you’ll find in the district – and the role they play in securing water for Overberg inhabitants.  These wetlands face numerous threats. Topping that list are the...
Why ecological burns?

Why ecological burns?

Some fires you may see burning across the Overberg (March and early April) are actually ecological burns. These are prescribed burns that take extensive planning and resources. That’s not least to help reduce the risks of burning come fire season.   Why do we...
Meet the new Divisional Commanders

Meet the new Divisional Commanders

Swellendam Daniel de Kock is the new Divisional Commander in the Swellendam district for Overberg Fire & Rescue. Daniel joins the Overberg team from Breede Valley Fire and Rescue in Worcester. Working as a fire-fighter isn’t simply a job for Daniel: it’s a dream...
Do’s and don’ts of a Red Day

Do’s and don’ts of a Red Day

There’s no higher wildfire threat level than a Red Day. You’ll know we’re facing a Red Day in the Overberg, by keeping an eye on our daily Fire Danger Index. When you see red, it means we’ll be experiencing a hot day, with low humidity and very strong winds – the...