15 tips to better protect your home against wildfires

15 tips to better protect your home against wildfires

What can you do to make your home as safe as possible against a potential wildfire? Home owners have learnt valuable lessons from the 2017 Knysna fires. And these lessons are now guiding fire management in South Africa. As a home owner (and a landowner), here are the...
What to include in your evacuation go-bag?

What to include in your evacuation go-bag?

This is surely one of the most difficult and stressful events in a person’s life: It’s time to evacuate your home, as a wildfire moves closer. This is a time of great stress – and mistakes can be made as a result.According to the Overstrand Municipality’s Fire Chief,...
LCES: Your wildfire defence strategy

LCES: Your wildfire defence strategy

At EVERY fire you participate in fighting, PLEASE bear this acronym in mind: LCES.  It’ll help you to stay safe. It’s one of the most important defence strategies against an unpredictable wildfire. What does it stand for? L Lookouts C Communication E Escape routes S...
Fire Season 2020: Landowners – It’s not too late to prepare

Fire Season 2020: Landowners – It’s not too late to prepare

Fire season is upon us in the Western Cape, including the Overberg District.  But it’s not too late to still use this time to prepare your farm as well as you can against the threats of wildfires. Wildfires can start at any place and at any time. The research has...
Our farmer’s checklist: 8 tips to prepare for fire season

Our farmer’s checklist: 8 tips to prepare for fire season

Before fire season starts, there are a number of things landowners must ensure are in place – to prepare for wildfires. Here is a farmer’s checklist to guide our members BEFORE the start of fire season.  TIP 1 Help us find water sources when fighting fire on...
Preventing wildfire through this innovative partnership

Preventing wildfire through this innovative partnership

The Greater Overberg Fire Protection Association is teaming up with solar energy finance company, Sun Exchange, to tackle the ever-increasing threat of wildfire. It’s a first-of-its-kind partnership for both the goFPA and Sun Exchange.   Through the deal, Sun...