SUPPORT the #firefighters battling the Overberg Fires

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NEWS from the Overberg and Overstrand Fire Chiefs, Reinard Geldenhuys and Lester Smith:

As the number of wildfires reduce, and the cooler weather sets in, all types of controlled burns are now allowed (from 5 April). Valid burn permits are essential, and you also need the necessary permission from the control room of either the Overberg or Overstrand fire stations before striking the match.


Nuus van die Overberg en Overstrand Brandweerhoofde, Mnre Reinard Geldenhuys en Lester Smith:

Alle tipes brande word nou (vanaf 5 April) toegelaat, die motivering is die afname in die hoeveelheid veldbrande en ons koeler weersomstandighede. Geldige brandpermitte en die nodige toestemming vanaf die beheerkamers van die Overberg- of Overstrand brandweerstasies is ‘n vereiste, voordat ‘n vuurhoutjie getrek mag word. 

Why we support controlled burns

For the goFPA, controlled burns that are undertaken responsibly are an essential part of good integrated fire management – not only to reduce invasive alien spread and fuel loads, but also as a tool to manage fynbos. Fynbos is a fire-prone vegetation, and it therefore needs to burn every 10 to 20 years (depending on the type of fynbos).


If your farm/company is located in this map area, you are part of the Overstrand area of responsibility. If your farm/company falls outside of this map, you are part of the Overberg area of responsibility.


If you live in the Bredasdorp, Caledon, Swellendam, Villiersdorp, Grabouw &
Vyeboom area, use this burn permit.

Please return forms to
or call 028 425 1690


If you live in the Overstrand region,
please use this burn permit.

Please return forms to or call 028 313 8980

Some rules around controlled burns

  • Permits are issued for different lengths of time depending on the time of year and the type of burn (stubble lands, ecological, rubbish heap, etc.). Please inquire at your local fire station for more information.
  • The Fire Brigade does an inspection before issuing the permit. The Overstrand Municipality currently charges a consultation fee for this.
  • You may not burn on a Friday, Saturday, Sunday or public holiday.
  • You may only burn on a Friday or day before a public holiday with special permission from the Fire Brigade.
  • You may not burn on an Orange or Red (Fire Danger Index) day.
  • You are bound by the personnel and equipment numbers as declared in the application.
  • You must inform your neighbours and/or other authorities 2 weeks prior to the burn and again daily before burning starts.
  • You must inform the control centre or local fire station daily before burning starts.
  • All fires have to be extinguished before 16:30 daily.
  • Patrol the area until the burnt area is cold.
  • You are responsible for the burn and its consequences.

Do you have renosterveld on your property?

Renosterveld is critically endangered, and forms a vital part of the Cape Floral Kingdom. Fire management is also crucial in renosterveld. So we’ve partnered with the Overberg Renosterveld Conservation Trust, to compile some golden rules for ecological prescribed burns in renosterveld.

Visit: Email: 

Tel. Dr Odette Curtis: 083 551 3341


Our farmer’s checklist: 8 tips to prepare for fire season

Our farmer’s checklist: 8 tips to prepare for fire season

Before fire season starts, there are a number of things landowners must ensure are in place – to prepare for wildfires. Here is a farmer’s checklist to guide our members BEFORE the start of fire season. Help us find water sources when fighting fire on your

Preventing wildfire through this innovative partnership

Preventing wildfire through this innovative partnership

The Greater Overberg Fire Protection Association is teaming up with solar energy finance company, Sun Exchange, to tackle the ever-increasing threat of wildfire. It’s a first-of-its-kind partnership for both the goFPA and Sun Exchange.

World Water Day: Tips for fire management in wetlands

World Water Day: Tips for fire management in wetlands

These wetlands face numerous threats. Topping that list are the impact of invasive alien plants, a changing climate and inappropriate fire regimes. That’s where the Greater Overberg Fire Protection Association can play a role:




+27 (0) 28 425 1690
+27 (0) 63 690 7899


You can get involved by providing goods to energise our fire-fighters. Here’s a list of non-perishable items you can drop off – that help sustain our fire-fighters working hard to protect our homes and nature


Donations are made through the secure PayFast system.




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