There’s a wildfire on your property, or heading straight for your property.
Here are some guidelines:
Phone the Fire & Rescue Services. Overberg: 028 425 1690. Overstrand: 028 312 2400
Phone your neighbours
Contact your Fire Management Unit leadership
Contact the goFPA: 063 690 7899
What information should you report?
The more relevant information you can provide, the quicker and better the response from
fire services and neighbours can be:
- Where is it burning? The best way is to provide a location pin via WhatsApp.
- How do we get there? Which road, entrance, gate etc. leads to the location?
- What is burning? Is it burning in alien jungle, fynbos, stubble field etc.?
- How big is the fire? Is it a small/new fire?
- How quickly is it burning? Is the fire growing or spreading rapidly?
- Where is the fire going? What direction is the fire burning?
- What is the weather doing at the fire?
- Are there lives or property in danger? Is the fire burning toward structures?
Assess the situation closely – what level of support do you think you need?
Protect lives and ensure everyone is safe
Protect assets, infrastructure and where relevant the environment as far as possible
Hand over to the Chief Fire Officer or his/her delegate when they arrive
At the fire: Take note of the following:
If you and your team are about to fight the fire – keep the LCES defence strategy top of mind at all times. What does that mean?
Think about where to station your lookouts: Ideally you need someone to be stationed as a lookout at each fire, to give feedback to you should the fire threaten fire-fighters.
Make sure all communication channels are in place; and that key communicators are calm an providing clear, concise information.
Do you know where your escape routes are? Remember, you must have at least two escape routes at all times.
Plan a safety zone at the fire. This is where you’ll move to should the call come to retreat from an out-of-control fire, or to find refuge from danger.
The aim is to put the fire out together – this is a team effort, and fighting wildfires is everyone’s fight.

If you’re in the Overberg area (excluding the Overstrand)
- As a goFPA member, access to the Overberg’s fire suppression team to control a newly-started wildfire is free of charge.

If you’re in the Overstrand area:
- There is a fixed cost per hour for fire-suppression teams on the ground.
But please note: the Chief Fire Officer or his/her delegate will approve air support. Air support may not be available or appropriate.
Once the fire is out: It’s your job as the landowner to ensure it remains out.
If it starts again, wildfire-suppression will be for your own cost.
- You should patrol smoldering material within 5m of the perimeter of the extinguished fire.
- If you need the Overberg District Municipality fire-suppression team to monitor the extinguished fire, the costs will be for your own account.
- If you can, attend debrief sessions with the Fire Protection Officer.
All funds raised will SUPPORT fire-fighters battling the overwhelming Overberg fires. ALL monies raised will be: – used for making the fire lines more bearable, including; – cellphone airtime to talk to their families at home; – foodstuff like ice to keep their drinks cold, that warm meal to supplement their ration packs, and any other essentials. goFPA is a registered PBO.
You can get involved by providing goods to energise our fire-fighters. Here’s a list of non-perishable items you can drop off – that help sustain our fire-fighters working hard to protect our homes and nature
Donations are made through the secure PayFast system.

reduction | readiness | response | recovery
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