Invasive plant
clearing & restoration:
The teams you can trust

Large parts of the Overberg region are infested with alien invasive vegetation.
These invasive plants change the fire behaviour and fire regimes within the Fynbos environment if left to grow uncontrolled.
Besides the impact that alien invasive vegetation has on fire, it also has a far-reaching impact on native species. The invasive trees often outgrow and outcompete our indigenous species. This uncontrolled growth of invasives, and the change in veldfire risks associated with these plants, result in increased threats to valuable infrastructure, cultivated lands and uncontrollable veldfires.
Protect your infrastructure and cultivated lands
As a landowner, do you want to protect your infrastructure and cultivated lands, mitigate veldfire risks and wildfire spread from your property, and protect and restore the environment? Then we can help.
Invasive alien clearing can be very challenging. It involves calculating the work that needs to be done, identifying the right team to help, the skill sets needed, complying with the legal (and safety) aspects, the administration and most importantly, supervision of the work to be done. Several organisations in the Overberg provide these services – and good ones too.

Two of our partners, Webs and Earth Matters, work in the restoration field in the Overberg region.
Both these partners make use of teams from local communities. They have built expertise over the years and are prepared for the challenges that these projects offer. Their services include:
• Invasive alien plant clearing
• Firewood production
• Awareness & training
• Consulting
– Sustainable harvesting management
– Environmental restoration
– Management plans
Besides the impact of alien clearing and the creation of firebreaks on fire-risk reduction and environmental restoration, it also allows you to become legally compliant with the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act and with the National Veld and Forest Fire Act.
Get in touch with the goFPA team if you would like more service provider references or if you are unsure about firebreak placement, mitigation and/or biodiversity protection strategies. Contact 063 690 7899 or email
Contact details:

Wild Environment Business Solutions (WEBS)
Tel. 082 513 6346

Earth Matters
Tel. 084 317 9018