This partnership was born out of a wildfire. On 10 March 2016, a wildfire swept through the Van der Stel’s Pass outside Botrivier in the Western Cape.

The howling wind and thick vegetation made for difficult times and fear. Together the property owners, neighbours, Overberg Fire & Rescue service, CapeNature and with the help of aerial support worked hard to ensure a good outcome.

Jo Neser and his wife Tessa, Directors of corporate and commercial law firm, Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr, contacted the goFPA’s Chairperson and friend, Dr Paul Cluver and offered their assistance.

There help was gladly accepted and included critical legal opinions and support with the incorporation of a Not-for-Profit Company. The results of the partnership will benefit not only the goFPA, but all landowners and FPA’s in South Africa.  goFPA will share the information and legal opinions over the coming weeks.


The goFPA team would like to recognise  and thank Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr for their support with the prevention of wildfires in South Africa.