Find out how your wildfire started

Fire investigation help is now available to members of the Greater Overberg Fire Protection Association (#goFPA). A team of investigators can help landowners to determine how a veldfire started by collecting factual data on the causes of wildfires/veldfires in the Overberg.
This could help reduce unnecessary financial costs to landowners who seek to recover costs for damages caused by veldfires.
The aim of this service is to assist landowners to identify and confirm the cause of veldfires, with a potential, but not necessarily, to settle claims for damages caused by veldfires.
Enviro Wildfire Services is offering this assistance at a reduced rate to Greater Overberg Fire Protection Association members.
The Enviro Services team is offering three types of investigation:
- Preliminary investigation: The site is investigated, evidence collected and secured, and an opinion provided as to the origin and cause of the fire. Cost: R 3 500
- A full investigation following a preliminary investigation having been undertaken: A full report is provided for litigation or cost recovery purposes. Cost: R 5 000
- A full investigation without a preliminary investigation having been undertaken. Cost: R 10 000
In addition the following associated costs include:
- Travelling distance from Cape Town.
- 50 – 100km road distance from Cape Town will incur no charge
- 100km + will be charged at R4.50/km
- Meals and accommodation. Landowners are also encouraged to get the team out to the site as soon as possible after the fire has occurred.
- 0 – 2 hours delay: No charge
- 2 – 12 hours: R 2 000
- 12 hours +: R 5 000
This service is available throughout the current fire season – up to 31 May 2018. goFPA members receive a greatly reduced rate.
For more information, contact Rob Erasmus (Enviro Wildfire Services): Tel. 021 715 3915 or Cell: 083 411 3378. Email: or the goFPA team: 028 425 1690