This is surely one of the most difficult and stressful events in a person’s life: It’s time to evacuate your home, as a wildfire moves closer.
This is a time of great stress – and mistakes can be made as a result.
According to the Overstrand Municipality’s Fire Chief, Lester Smith, in an event like this, it’s essential to have a go-bag ready to take with you. This should include documents and information that you simply can’t afford to lose.
Here the Fire Chief gives his list of supplies and info to include in your go-bag:
- Your medication. Or at the very least, a list of all the medication you rely on (and your chronic prescriptions if you have any).
- Crucial documents, including:
- Your driver’s license
- Your ID document
- Passports
- Title deeds to your house
If you have pets, it may be an idea to create a go-bag for them too. Look to include:
- Any medications they might need
- Leashes
- Some food to last a few days
- And their bowls
Chief Smith says the order to evacuate will be given directly to you – either by a fire or law enforcement official. Then during your evacuation, be sure to follow the instructions provided by these officials. They’ll know where the threats are, and how to ensure your safety.
He also advises people to keep a close eye on the three official fire-related Facebook pages in the Overberg. These are the Facebook pages of:
- The Overstrand Municipality
- The Overberg District Municipality
- And the Greater Overberg Fire Protection Association
These will always provide accurate and verified information.
For more information on fire evacuations, contact Louise Wessels, the Manager of the goFPA. Email: